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Email Setup For Generic

Below are the instructions for setting up emails on an Iphone.

  • Add Account
  • Other
  • Add mail account
You will be asked to select between IMAP and POP/POP3 setup, click here for more information on this
  • Name: Name of the person/business/etc
  • Email: FULL EMAIL ADDRESS – i.e.
  • Password: As setup on the hosting package

Incoming Mail Server:

  • Host Name:
  • Username: FULL EMAIL ADDRESS – i.e. 
  • Password: as selected when the email address was created
  • Port Number:
    • POP3 – 995
      • Check “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)”

Outgoing mail server:

  • Host Name:
  • Username: FULL EMAIL ADDRESS – i.e.
  • Password: as setup / provided
  • Port Number:
    • POP3 – 465
      • Select SSL from Dropdown
You will then be prompted about a certificate that is not trusted, click on “details” and “trust”.
Congrats, setting up an email account is complete.
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